A Delica, not a Celica

Today we find yet another Los Angeles craigslist gem.  Only it’s actually in British Columbia, which I’m told is in neither Britain nor Columbia.  Apparently it’s Canadian–but wait, it’s fresh off the boat from Japan.  Talk about identity issues.

Once upon a time, Mama Mitsubishi christened her baby Delica.  As in Celica, except more likely to break your legs in a frontal collision.  This van’s going to need therapy, just like the Kougar we chronicled a few days ago.

The JDM craze fizzled out after the ’90s.  But just like pagers and grunge, they’ll be cool again after a few decades have passed (just you wait…I’ve got Alice in Chains queued up on my Minidisc player).

Delicas were actually sold in the USDM under the creative name “Wagon,” but only in RWD, automatic, 107hp petrol-powered form.

This right hand drive import features a 95hp turbodiesel, 4WD (if the five million appliques didn’t tip you off already), and a stickshift.  Not to mention window curtains!  VW Vanagon Synchro fans, eat your heart out.

Deciphering very broken English, I believe the seller claims that this L300-generation 1988 Delica–barely old enough to escape rolling 25-year DOT and EPA regulation–is ready to go anywhere in the US.  Since it’s diesel, it should be exempt from California’s draconian fixed 1975-and-up smog checks.

“Full service” includes timing belt, DOT-compliant stuff, and warranty.  The asking price is four times that of a typical USDM Wagon, but for a JDM Delica in this condition, the price is ratherreasonable.

Click for craigslist ad
Richmond, BC



