Unfortunately, the seller spends more time being defensive against potentially awkward Craigslist callers than describing the detailed condition of this car. What we do know is that it needs cosmetics and have a broken or missing rear driver’s side window. Hopefully, that window is shared with another GM wagon, as it’s not too clear why or how many Caddy wagons were made.
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San Fernando Valley, CA
Ad text:
Really, Really,Really rare Cadillac station wagon. Good luck finding another one.Runs well Stops well Transmission works well.Windows and seats work well. Really nothing wrong but a broken rear window and cosmetics….If you ask me if this was a Hearse I will not respond because you’re not a serious buyer and dont have any idea what you are looking at. Runs fantastic. Please dont waste your or my time with emails if you do not have the money.And no I do not wish to have idol chit chat about how much you know about these cars…I just want to sell it.No I will not send you more pictures.If you know what this is, you wont be asking the standard dumb ..”I wanna buy a car questions”. If you are offended by the wording of this post …I apologize I just know all of the crazies and time wasters are going to converge.. This is a give away price on this car . I need to pay taxes,I dont really want to sell.The price is pretty firm. If you are one of those ..”whats my price guys…the price is 8000.00