Category: Uncategorized

  • French Creepy Van – Peugeot 4DA

    French Creepy Van – Peugeot 4DA

    Okay, it doesn’t have to be creepy, but any van can qualify with the right, subtle touches.  Regarless of creepy factor, this is a rare Peugeot van. The seller says this is for parts only, but it’s not clear whether that’s because of a lack of title or something else.  This appears to be complete…

  • 1973 Pangra (eh?)

    1973 Pangra (eh?)

    Here’s a classic “never heard of it” Oddimobile!  Apparently, a Ford dealer once decided that a performance Pinto was a good idea; so a new front end – complete with pop-up headlamps – turbo kit and interior bits were pulled together and the Pangra was born! Hemmings has featured a Pangra, so there is a…

  • Yugo with Snowmobile Engine!

    Yugo with Snowmobile Engine!

    What do you get when you put a Arctic Cat Thundercat 900 snowmobile three-cylinder engine in the rear of a Yugo? How about an estimated 180HP, RWD and no reverse gear. Somehow, the snowmobile CVT is hooked up,which is yet another odd thing about this.  The seller says this need minor finishing work, but can…

  • Add some Morning Wood to your Commute!

    Add some Morning Wood to your Commute!

    Why do Chris Craft boats get all the vehicular woodworking attention?  Here we have a cabinetmaker’s interpretation of a pickup truck. Do you really need to know more?  Well, okay, there’s a bit of information available.  The frame was apparently custom-made, though part of the front is from a Chevette.  Also, the engine and automatic…

  • Too Few Miles and/or Fire Restoration?

    Too Few Miles and/or Fire Restoration?

    The seller claims this Maserati Biturbo has only 28K original miles since 1984.  That could mean that it took 29 years to fix the fire damage, or it could be that it was just otherwise unreliable. Regardless of the history, recent work is claimed, including rebuilt turbos.  Peeling clear coat indicates it spent some time…

  • 1991 Bronco Centurion Four-Door

    1991 Bronco Centurion Four-Door

    Esteemed editor DS once posted a Centurion Bronco four-door on these hallowed pages and I’m here to do it again.  Why?  Because these are an interesting part of oddimotive history and also show the adaptability of the aftermarket when an OEM refuses to invest to address part of the market. These represent Centurion’s effort to use…

  • “Different” Camping Trailer or Second Half for your Expedition

    “Different” Camping Trailer or Second Half for your Expedition

    I don’t know what it is, but the story behind this must be interesting. I suppose it could be as simple as “I wrecked my Expedition, but the back half was good.  Why waste it?” The ad raises some concerns: 1) The seller claims this sleeps four – you’ll get to now each other very…

  • “Famous” Lowdown and Dirty Van

    “Famous” Lowdown and Dirty Van

    The seller claims this van  is famous.  I can’t find anything indicating that is true; but who cares when a van is this cool? It’s really too bad that no interior shots are included in this ad.  Barring evidence to the contrary, I will go on believing that this van is full of wall-to-wall, orangey-brown,…

  • “Restoered” EESTI Kit Car?

    “Restoered” EESTI Kit Car?

    Hmm…one very old picture and a tiny bit more information. What could possibly go wrong? Hooniverse once did an article on this car and used the same photo.  So, this is either the only one and it legit, or this is a very poorly targeted scam.  Even if it is legitimate, one must wonder why…

  • WTF Accord

    WTF Accord

    Sometimes, the answer to the question why is not at all obvious. Interestingly, this Japanese car won the Euro Category in at least one Low Rider show.  Was this the closest thing to Euro? Click for Craigslist ad Southern CA, USA $8,000 Yes, it has lambo doors.  The seller claims suicide doors, too, so I…