Category: Uncategorized

  • WTF MR2

    WTF MR2

    MR2 + Body Kit + Lambo Doors = WTF? What more do I need to say? Click for Craigslist ad Riverside, CA $11,000 Blue interior accents.  Hmm.  “I am not an actor.  I am a police officer.  I recommend THE CLUB!” Might not be too easy to work on… Ad text: Hello Craigslist, Please contact me if…

  • Eastern Bloc Cars are Like Cockroaches

    Eastern Bloc Cars are Like Cockroaches

    …or at least it appears this one survived Katrina. This is a rare NOLA Oddimobile, but if it was there for Katrina, it was stored away nicely in someone random-ass collection, as it appears to be in great shape.  The seller claims ridiculously low mileage – so low that one would have to ask why…

  • A Panhard Day’s Night

    A Panhard Day’s Night

    Continuing yesterday’s French weirdness theme, we offer you this sighting from Cars and Coffee Dallas. The owner was swarmed by curious onlookers, so we did not learn much about this particular car’s history. We did overhear that it had just been sold and was being loaded up for transport later that day. Anyway, back to…

  • Living the Dream: A Matra and a Cheap Hotel Stay!

    Living the Dream: A Matra and a Cheap Hotel Stay!

    Matra cars don’t exactly come along often, especially in the US.  While I had the unique pleasure of entering the former Matra HQ outside Paris, as my former employer occupied part of the building, I’ve never seen one of their cars stateside.  I did, however, sometimes see Renault Avantimes – designed and assembled by Matra…

  • Dayuum Van! Daihatsu Hi-Jet is Pure Awesome

    Dayuum Van! Daihatsu Hi-Jet is Pure Awesome

    Apparently, there has been a Daihatsu Hijet of some sort since 1960.  Who knew?  Regardless, this cool little kei-van is suitably odd today and would be welcomed with open arms at any microcar show. The seller claims this is a 1970model, but the integrated bumper lamps, etc. sure look newer, as does the interior.  …

  • The Best Vehicle Ever Made in Ulyanovsk, Russia?

    The Best Vehicle Ever Made in Ulyanovsk, Russia?

    This just might be!  It’s the UAZ-469, otherwise known as the goat.  This was/is basically the commie Jeep. There was even an ill-fated attempt to build and sell these in the US.  It always makes sense to bring low-cost vehicles from places with low labor cost and attempt to build them in a country with…

  • Best Version of One of the Most Boring Cars Ever!

    Best Version of One of the Most Boring Cars Ever!

    Ahh, the GM A-Body.  Examples include the Chevy Celebrity and Pontiac 6000, along with our feature car, the Cutlass Ciera.  These cars are not to be confused with the rear-wheel drive, two-door Cutlasses every family had in the early 80s, this is a front-wheel drive box. If you must own and/or drive an A-Body, the…

  • Apocalypse Van

    Apocalypse Van

    Really, don’t YOU need an apocalypse vehicle?  Right now, this van looks like it already went through one, but the seller suggests it’s ready for whatever may come its way. Here is the seller’s apocalyptic sales pitch: “Need an appropriate vehicle for the apocalypse? Look no further!  Bluey comes equipped with a rugged “been there…

  • In Case the Renault R8’s Front is just too Ugly for You.

    In Case the Renault R8’s Front is just too Ugly for You.

    We bring you the Renault R10!  This was the only somewhat changed successor to the larger-engined “R8 Major”, which means you get an 1100cc engine and, well, a non-kinked front end. This is a claimed low mileage, unrestored car and there is no mention of trying to start it or whether the engine is seized.…

  • Homemade Something-or-Other

    Homemade Something-or-Other

    I guess I’ll call this a rock crawler, although I don’t know whether this is really a capable crawler… The seller provides some info, but nothing on the frame underneath this.  The mention of needed suspension welding is cause for concern, particularly considering the implied purpose of the vehicle. Click for Craigslist ad Whitewater, CA…