Overall, this truck appears to be in amazing shape. The seller claims to have a lot of documentation related to the restoration work. The price seems high, so we wonder how much room there is to negotiate. At about half the price, we’d be seriously tempted, even if we tend to hold out for the uber-rare U320 factory extended cab model.
Click for Craigslist ad
Orange County, CA
$12,000 (negotiable??)
Posted by CG
Update: SOLD for $10,125 with 14 bids. Apparently, the market is okay with the extended cab conversion, as that is all the money for a Datsun truck. You could sure spend more trying to restore one to this condition, though.
We haven’t seen one of these early Datsun trucks this clean outside the Nissan Americas lobby and Lane Motor Museum.
Interior is bare bones but in great shape. Column shifted manual is a nice touch!
Clean, clean, clean…
Ad text:
Classic Pick-Up for Sale One of a Kind in the U.S. Original No major modifications except for the extended cab and frame was not messed with and was done by a professional body shop. Have all the pics before and after for all the work done to the truck. Too many new and restored items to list.
$12,000 obo.