The seller claims this is 65% done. We love the specificity, but we imagine this one’s not easy to finish. The interwebs indicate there are other GTO-based “Veyrons”, so it seems a kit is available and this isn’t all custom. As the seller was kind enough to include no useful information, we don’t know how many parts might be included.
Click for eBay ad
Cocoa, FL
$2,025 with 15 bids and reserve NOT met
02/19/2014: Ended at $24,944 with 42 bids and reserve not met. I’m guessing the high bidder breathed a sigh of relief – that’s crazy money for this thing.
Rear may have the general shape, but we wonder if the seller had any plansto add the details that matter.
Interior is, well, sort of there. Looks like lots ‘o fiberglass and lots left to do.
Ad text (yep, that’s all of it):
2008 bugatti veyron replica based on a 2004 pontiac GTO with LS1 V8 65% complete to much to list see pictures….