Drop-butt Seville’s not sport enough for you, eh?

How about a custom, two-door drop-ass Caddy?  We’re not sure what happened here:  Was is an Eldorado with a Seville but added, or was it a Seville with the rear doors welded shut?  Due to crap photos and a complete lack of information in the auction, we just don’t know, but we venture to guess it’s a bit more likely it started out as an Eldo.

Click for eBay ad
Houston, TX
$2,500 with one bid and reserve not met
09/29/2013 update: Ended with reserve not met at $2,500

Ad text (yes, this is all of it):

Very rare
1 of 1 Custom Built

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2 responses to “Drop-butt Seville’s not sport enough for you, eh?”

  1. biglongcadillac Avatar

    just a Seville ‘shorty’ job, no Eldorado here

  2. biglongcadillac Avatar

    just a Seville ‘shorty’ job, no Eldorado here