We featured one of these back in 2013 and we still love them! The seller provides only a little into, but these are remarkably simple and the photos show a car in good condition. This is a 1984 model. Like the 2CV on which it’s based, the Mehari had a very long lifecycle.
This would be a super-cool cruiser and cars and coffee oddity for someone on the continent. Shipping costs vs. vehicle value prevent this being a good overseas find to ship home.
Click for eBay ad
Oss, Netherlands
$13,500 BIN with offers considered and 20 days to go
Styling is timeless and just odd enough to be French. The French sure loved their three-lug wheels – also seen on the Renault 5/Le Car.
Yes, there is a top. Or, really a pop-up tent. This is the closest thing to an interior shot in the ad.
Here’s a front view with the top up. The color combo would be perfect for an Oklahoma State alumnus, like your humble host.
And the rear with curtains in place.
Here’s the flat twin engine!
Ad text:
Dear Citroën enthousiast,
EU Motor Cars offers you a fantastic European built Citroën Mehari
The ideal car for having fun
The car comes in nice condition (not perfect), well kept and clean condition.
“For a 31 year old Car it looks great. Full Convertible, Good paint and good running. On the meter it has 24.000 kilometers, but I am not sure if this is correct. The Car has some small scratches, a good Top, good Tires, it’s ready for the Summer!!”