Homebrew I-Mark turbo diesel

We’ve featured an I-Mark diesel before, but this one has some sort of turbo added on.  This might sounds interesting, but the seller provides no useful information about the modifications, nor any useful pictures.
Quick research revealed the seller’s Cardomain page.  There we found a picture of a scary turbo setup hanging below the car.  Readers might want to pass on this one…
Click for eBay ad
Austin, TX
$305 with two bids and reserve not met
Update: Ended at $895 with 20 bids and reserve not met
Ad text:
rare and unusual Opel designed Isuzu manufactured diesel coupe.
 1.8L 5 spd trans. garrett turbo system, runs  and drives great, has run on biodiesel, no problems, close to 50mpg.
 some rust, but floors and trunk NO rust, no rust in sills or rockers, lower part of doors mostly,and wheel wells(easy repair).
 always serviced oil& filters changed, new timing belt, new brake pads, new shocks KYB, new starter & alt., good tyres.
 radio with Cd player. good speakers.
 interior needs some fixing up, but nice custom drivers seat,.
 miles may seem high, but diesels run for ever, 200-300K is common.
 i have tried on the net to find anyone who has one,like 5yrs, and nobody seems to have one, gotta be rare!!



