Many factory Pace car replicas are considered quite collectible and some even come with a good level of performance. This isn’t one of them.
The all-new Fiero paced the Indy 500 in 1984; so, naturally, Pontiac put out a replica for sale. Everyone knows the Fiero improved throughout its lifecycle and was a very good car at the end. This was the launch year, however, so these Pace Cars were saddled with the 2.5-liter I4 “Iron Duke” engine. This one is also equipped with an automatic trans, ensuring a complete lack of fun. The good news is the seller will throw in some Fiero jackets and a duffle bag, of which he or she provides no pictures.
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Greenville, KY
$200 with 1 bid and reserve not met and $5,800 BIN price
Ad text:
This Fiero is in great shape. There are minor chips in the paint on the hood and some wear on the leather interior trim. Original radio with cassette was replaced with a remote control JVC CD player. The original radio will be included in case you want to repair and re-install it. I am including a set of chrome wheels, tires, Fiero jackets and duffle bags that I received from the original owner. The AC is ice cold. #1074 of 2000 pace car replicas made. Garage kept in a smoke-free environment.
It is for sale locally and I will end the auction early if it sells.