Do you have a farm? If so, this could be the vehicle for you! The seller claims 10.8K kilometers and, by the way, it comes with a complete parts van. If you are the unique individual who can use this, you’ll be the only one on your block. After all, who doesn’t want a three-cylinder van?
Click for Craigslist ad
Ontaria, CA, USA
Micro Van is properly labeled and the emergency vehicle light is a nice touch. None of the images has anything for scale, but, trust us, this is very small.
Sliding door provides a true van experience.
Front view reveals interesting grill details. Perhaps the first generation Nissan Rogue got some inspiration from this design?
Rear view isn’t very exciting. If worries about registering, one could leave the Korean plate in place and claim to be ‘just passing through.’
Cargo hold can move a fair amount of stuff. One could probably rig up seats, is so desired.
Interior appears to be in very good shape. This is as basic as you’d expect a micro van to be.
Blue cluster is an interesting touch.
Ad text:
Rare 2000 KIA Micro van
Amazing original condition 10,864 kilometers (approx.. 5000 miles)
4 speed 3 cyl gas engine
Has 17 digit VIN.. Good for airport, private estate, movie prop or export..
Comes with complete extra ” parts” van..
Sold with “Bill of Sale only” as “FARM EQUIPMENT”