Quickie: Live like Swedish royalty

We love older Volvos, including the 700-series, but this is a bit different.  Here we have an opportunity to live like Swedish royalty, if there is such a thing.  This 760 limo comes complete with CRT TV and bar in the back, and the seller claims it has privacy glass.  Best of all, this limo shares an engine with the Delorean! Yes, it’s the ubiquitous, and underwhelming, PRV V6.

The seller offers shockingly little information in this ad, but the car is worth posting…

Click for eBay ad
Tacoma, WA
$3,050 with seven bid and reserve not met
09/02/2013 update:  Ended at $3,050 with seven bids and reserve NOT met

This looks like  a great place to watch ABBA videos.

Ad text (yes, this is all of it):

Overall good condition,smoke-free environment, privacy glass, owed for 10 years, buyer responsible for shipping fees.



